Cloud Software for Transport and Logistics Distribution designed for Transport Companies, Logistics Operators, Distribution, Couriers, and Express Deliveries.
Our WebSHoT (Shipping on Time) solution is a DMS (Distribution Management System) software designed to streamline and optimize transport and distribution operations, ensuring maximum agility and transparency in logistics processes from collection, transport, to delivery to clients.
This solution enables the management of client requests, such as delivery and collection services performed for each client, with a back-office system and a mobile application for drivers.
Shipping on Time is a 100% cloud-based solution that enables tracking and control of all transport requests, whether internal or subcontracted.
WebSHoT Features
100% Web-Based Cloud Solution
Pickup and delivery requests made directly by the client
Service maps and management reports
Issuance of waybills and cargo manifests
Issuance of CMR or eCMR
Label printing by the client
Management of refunds
Incident management
Track order, track delivery, and cargo tracking
Picking guided by guides or volumes
Web Service de integração bidirecional
Cash on delivery management
From reception to delivery, the DMS distribution software is agile in various operations.
Shipping on Time
Shipment Management
Waybill Issuance
Volume Label Issuance
Center Operations Management
Pickup Management
Rates and Pre-billing
Customer Portal
Shipment Inquiry
Shipment Registration
Issuance of Waybill, CMR, and Manifests
Issuance of Volume Labels
Issuance of Labels
Agent Portal
Shipment Registration
File import for batch registration and printing
Manifest printing
Mobility - Transporter PDA Goods Distribution
Picking (goods collection)
Collection List
Pending Deliveries List
Payment Registration
POD Registration (signature)
Transfer (Center or Distributor)
PDA - Distribution Center
WebSHoT can be implemented as a distribution solution or as a DMS for transportation.
SHoT provides aWeb Portal for:
Other Entities.
SHoT provides aMobile Application for:
Integrations with Logistics Networks for TMS/DMS Management
Integrations with ERP
Get to know WebSHoT
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